Bishops List

Alma Harris

Alma Harris


First bishop, Nephew of Martin Harris Book of Mormon Witness. Lived in an home located south of Linda Cowley's home.

Henry W. Ballard Sr

Alma Harris

1891 – 1911

Henry Sr. was 27 years old when called to be bishop. He lived in Logan. He offered to go on a five-year mission if they would release him from this call. Henry sold his farm in Petersboro to pay for a new home in Benson. He bought twenty-five acres of property with a one-room cabin on it. The Ward had heated disputes over land as there was discrepancies in surveys.

Howard Reese

Howard Reese

1911- 1921

Henry W. Ballard Jr

Henry W. Ballard Jr

1921 – 1941

Cyril K Munk

Cyril Munk

1941 -1951

Roy C Thain

Cyril Munk

1951 – 1956

Kenneth R. Cardon

Kenneth Cardon

1956 – 1968

Kenneth R. Ballard

Kenneth Ballard

1968 -1973

Rulon Falslev

Rulon Falslev

1973 – 1976

John E Allen

John E Allen

1976- 1978

Cecil Archibald

Cecil Archibald

1978 -1983

Glen Hobbs

Glen Hobbs


Jerry Toombs

Jerry Toombs

1988 – 1994

Delray Hobbs

Delray Hobbs


Delray Hobbs was the Bishop when the Ward dedicated the new church Building. One week later the ward was split into two wards and Wayne Reese was called to serve as Bishop in the Benson Second Ward. DelRay Hobbs was Bishop of the First Ward.